Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cream Cheese Pesto Chicken (for 2 people):

Large chicken breasts -
2 Pesto - 1.5-3 TB.
Cream Cheese - about 1/2 pkg.
Italian bread crumbs
1 egg white
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Directions: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Slice chicken breasts in half horizontally, leaving them still attached on one side (like a pizza box?) so that you can stuff them but not have the filling ooze out all sides when cooking. Mix in a bowl the cream cheese and pesto (just add enough pesto so the 2 ingredients are well blended and seem balanced...not too much pesto or it will be overpowering). Stuff cream cheese/pesto mix into the chicken breasts....if you don't have enough mix just make more. (like I said, I'm really unsure on the amounts you need). Brush egg white onto chicken breasts so the bread crumbs stick well. Roll stuffed chicken breasts in bread crumbs (I like to put the crumbs in a shallow pie tin, works well). Heat a frying pan to medium heat, cover bottom of pan with extra virgin olive oil, about 1-2 TB. When pan is hot, add chicken breasts (or 1 at a time if necessary depending on size of pan), brown each side just so it gives it a nice rich, golden brown color - don't cook all the way through....just brown them, about 3-5 minutes. Once they're browned, put the chicken breasts in a baking dish and bake in oven about 30 minutes, until cooked through :)

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